Wednesday, March 31, 2010

♥ Confessions of a Shoe-aholic: Expensive...but so pretty!

Call me crazy, but I found these shoes a few weeks ago.... And loved them!  I want some yellow shoes.  Why not let them be all pretty and embellished with Swarovski crystals?!?!  It seems so practical!

 These are Guiseppe Zanotti Strass Suede Caged sandals- embellished with Swarovski crystals.
They come for the low low price of only $1,595.  Practical, right?

So while I am at it, I decided to go on a search for expensive shoes.  You know.  Those that will probably never touch my feet other than playing the adult version of dress up, but never leaving the store to vacate on my closet floor when they aren't decorating my feet.

 These Prada shoes are suede and have pretty rhinestones on them.  They are running at about $556.

 These?  Christian Louboutin Georginetas.  I found them in pink, but they are also very pretty in white with a black bow!  Sitting at about $636 on Bluefly.

 Another set of Prada shoes.  These are a good $750.  I think they are sooo pretty. And a neutral color so I could wear them with SO many things.

 I actually found these on Etsy for $250... but they say all that bling?  Are Swarovski crystals.  That is either one great deal... or they aren't real like they say.  Either way?  I am diggin the bling!

 Confession: I wasn't the one to find these.  A friend did.  They are a pair of Alexander McQueens that are running just above $1,000.  Pretty cute. And unique! :)

I absolutely adore these.  Jimmy Choo 'Haze' Pumps can be purchased with $785 in case you all wanted to buy them for me ;)

Now it gets real expensive.  Brace yourself.

You don't wanna wear heels?  Check these out.
 For only $50,000 you can have your Nike swooshes encrusted with chocolate covered diamonds. 11 carats of them even.

Annnnd what would an expensive shoe blog be without the two pairs of the world's most expensive shoes?!?!
 These babies?  Cost $2 Million!  They were worn by Allison Krauss at the 2004 Oscars ceremony.  They are Stuart Weitzman's Cinderella Slippers.  Why so expensive you might ask? These beauties are studded with 565 platinum-set Kwiat diamonds, including 55 carats of clear diamonds and one big 5-carat stone.  He wasn't kidding around about the bling!  But holy smokes.... $2 million?!?! 

These are the most expensive:
Yet another pair from Stuart Weitzman.  These are his "Rita Hayworth" shoes.  They are only $3 million dollars.  Their name?  Came from the movie legend herself.  The shoes were designed around a pair of earrings she owned that were sapphires, rubies, and diamonds.  Now?  They are found in Rita Hayworth's daughter's closet.  Two words: holy. expensive.

Now I am curious... What shoes would you buy if you had an unlimited shoe budget?!?!  The sky is the limit, show me whatcha got!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I have a bone to pick with Facebook.

I love Facebook.  I really do.  I mean, for the most part.  It really is a great way to stay in touch with people who you went to high school with or friends that live far away.  I really love seeing pictures regularly of my favorite people that I can't see every day because you live in another state!  It makes my day!  But sometimes.... I really think I would be okay if I deleted a lot of my friends.  I mean, more than I already have.  Just yesterday, I did some "Facebook Spring cleaning" and deleted over 50 people that I just don't talk to, or have any connection to anymore really.  That.... is pretty sad.  Especially since I am willing to bet that I still have another 100 friends that I could really just delete and not notice.  It might happen this week.

This was also posted last week in the Daily Offensive last week.  But my dad posted this video on his Twitter and Facebook that is entirely too true.

And seriously?  I had a conversation with a friend the other day that was exactly like this:
Me: Did you know [insert names here] broke up this week?
Friend: Oh dang!  No... is it even Facebook official?!?!

Really.  That did happen.  And it is so sad, and so true that relationship status depends on Facebook.  And the whole reason so-and-so didn't post it on Facebook yet?  Is just because she didn't want the whole world knowing about it.  Who would have thought that people actually want some privacy?!?!

Also?  It really irritates me when people make it so obvious that they don't know how to communicate, if it isn't on Facebook.  The video itself is gives some great examples of that.  But I myself have experienced some pretty ridiculous communication through Facebook statuses and messages.  A status talking about someone without [inserting their name] is really quite immature.  Actually, posting a status talking about someone at all, in any way other than a positive one?  Goes beyond disrespect and really just makes you look bad.  Why is it okay for you to be rude on Facebook when you would never be so rude in person?  Encrypting a status is just dumb.  There are some things that need to stay OFF the internet.  I am also a hater of Facebook messages when it should really be dealt with another way.  I mean, if you can't even talk to the person face to face or at least over the phone, you might have some communication problems that you should deal with yourself.  It really isn't the way to resolve anything.

Stalking is not cool.  But at the same time... if you put something on Facebook, expect the whole world to be able to see it.  Even if you have a private profile, people talk. People hack the system.  People will find a way to look at your things if you let them.  So don't post your entire life on your profile, if you don't want people to know.  It's common sense.

Another one of those funny things about Facebook..... random people adding you.  I mean, if you live in another state I have never been to and we have no friends in common and there is no way we would ever meet in person.... EVER.  I probably won't be your friend in the virtual world either. Sorry!  And similar to the video, where it talks about the one person Facebook suggests to be your friend that you just don't know.... I probably won't add you just because we have 59 friends in common.  Just because we know the same people, doesn't mean I want you to stalk my profile.  If we meet in person?  I will be happy to be your Facebook friend though!

I think my Spring Cleaning of my friends was necessary.  Not only did I clean up my home page a bit, but it also made me realize that sometimes things just belong in the past.  After being obviously "watched" by people that I no longer talk to, it really irritated me.  And completely inspired this blog and the clean out.

Thanks for listening to my vent against the biggest social network out there!  I promise my shoe blog tomorrow will be a bit more positive and exciting.  I just needed to throw my pet peeves out there, and maybe voice what others might think too.  What is your "beef" with the FB world?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Change, Change, Change

"Be the change you want to see in the world"- Mahatma Gandhi

Really, that is one of the greatest quotes, in my opinion.  People get so completely concerned with how everyone or everything else needs to change.  Why do we always focus on what is going wrong with other people, rather than just changing what we see in ourselves?  Or how we see the world around us.  Really, it is a great philosophy to live by.  Stop focusing on what everyone else is doing wrong, and figure out what you can do better.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it is Spring.... or maybe something to do with the fact that it has been so long since something major has changed in my life.  For the first time in a while, I am settled somewhere that I am perfectly content.  I have enough challenges in school to keep me interested.  I have goals and plans that I am stoked about!  I have great friends and family that support me through all of it.  I have a wonderful healthy and steady relationship.  Right now?  There isn't anything that needs a major change.  Sure, I need a job as soon as I can find one.  But aside from that, my life is exactly where it needs to be.  But because I am always up to something, always ready for a change, ready for the challenge.... I just keep wanting to change the little things!  For instance:  last week?  I changed my hair.  For the first time in my life.  I went from being a blondie.... to being dark brunette.  See?!?! (if you haven't already...)

It likes to change colors every day too.  Which for now?  Is pretty awesome to wake up with your hair a bit different every day.

Along with that?  I absolutely love the way my room is painted and decorated.  It's what I have always wanted!  But lately, I have been wanting something brighter.  If only painting was a super easy task, my room would start changing with the seasons. I think I should pass on that idea for now....

Annnnnd in case you didn't notice.... my blog even has a new look!  What do YOU think?  I still need to work out some of the small stuff, but I needed a new layout and look :)

I really do like the dictionary version of change: v. to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone.

And the urban dictionary versions are priceless. Just for humor, I will put two of the mostly appropriate ones here: 1.) A word used SO much in the 2008 presidential campaigns that it no longer holds any meaning. 2.) Change is inevitable from a vending machine.

I can't help but end with a song.  Because Saving Abel rocks, and I could listen to them all. day. long.

Drowning (Face Down)

Friday, March 26, 2010

A look back: Reasons to Stay Away from Pop!

As many of you know, my sister and her beautiful friend have a blog called the Daily Offensive.  If you don't know about them, you should :)  But anywho, they allow guest bloggers on a regular basis.  Just to allow people to blog "anonymously" as they please.  Or not so anonymously....

Last September, I was one of those not so anonymous guest blogger.  And several readers actually put in a lot of professional opinions as well and a few others put in their own biased opinions :)

In case you all didn't know already, I am a hater and non-drinker of all things containing carbonation and high fructose corn syrup in most cases.  I hate pop, and I think you should too!  For many reasons.  A few of those very important reasons are listed and described pretty well in their ghost blog listed here: The Pop Nazi

Even though some of you may have read it when it was written, it is still a good look back and reminder!  (I know many of you STILL drink pop!) haha.  But for those of you who haven't read it and taken a look, I highly recommend it ;)  And not just because I wrote it, but also because it is good for your health ;)

Edit:  This is an article I found today, health benefits of Organic Herbal Teas.  Much better than pop ;) Health Benefits of Organic Herbal Teas

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

♥ Confessions of a Shoe-aholic: Lady Gaga

I know I have been neglecting my blog lately, but give a girl a break.  My Spring break had a wonderful lack of internet, and I wasn't in a hurry to get anywhere that had it.  It was nice.... for a while!  :)

I figured there was no better way to get back on my blogging roll than to start with my much loved Wednesday tradition.  And it has been brought to my attention, that Lady Gaga?  Has worn some of the most bizarre and crazy shoes. But, her wardrobe would be so incomplete without them.  I mean, who dresses like that and wears normal shoes?!?!  I wouldn't.  I admire her ability to create her own fearless style.  So here are a few shots of her crazy footwear, that the majority of us.... Probably couldn't pull off.... if  we even have the ability to walk in them.

 Because... who else would be able to wear Alexander McQueen?!?!
I have to admit though, the middle ones are pretty sweet.  I would totally want a pair if it weren't for the gigantic platform and heel! ♥

 Because who doesn't need ballet platforms to wear on a casual day in underwear and a jacket?

Holy tall, batman.  Even I wouldn't want to attempt a walk in those.

And then there is always her selection in boots!
 Shoe laces all the way up to her thighs.

 These fancy boots....

 And the fab sequin boots.... I would seriously borrow these for a night from her.  Seriously.

 I don't really even know what to call these....

 I would say they definitely give a new definition to "peep toe" and platform.  In the same boot.

And then she wore the hairy boots.  Yikes.

What do you think?  Is she cray and over the top, or just extra creative and pulls it off? (shoe-wise.... not complete wardrobe concerning)

And we can't have a Lady Gaga shoe blog without at least givin her some music credit.  Here is one of my favorites.  Happy Wednesday everyone!  Your week is half over!

Paper Gangsta

Thursday, March 11, 2010

♥ The Glue that Holds Me Together

Right about now, you should probably brace yourself for one of my most heartfelt blogs yet.  Because generally, I keep it light-hearted and easy read.  But this is just one of those things that can never be overdone.  This one is solely based on friendships.  Not relationships with significant others :)  I will save that for another time.

Friendships.  They have always been what keeps me going in life, really.  I am one of those people who loves making new friends.  And once I make them, I don't want to lose them.  I am a social person, but I also like being the friend.  I like people to know that when I am your friend, it's not by convenience, it is all or nothin' with me.  And I expect the same from my friends.  I am so thankful for every single one of the people that have been placed in my life with the perfect timing.

There will always be a place in my life for a select few girls that came into my life, and I never want them to leave.  You all know who you are.  Those friends who love me for the person I was, the person I am, and whoever I am going to become.  The people in my life that are brutally honest about the little details, the sensitive subjects, and the major decisions, but don't judge me about any of them.  Everyone needs at least one of those people in their life, and I am incredibly blessed with multiples, and never go a day without recognizing that.  The downside?  I don't always get to see them.  They like to disperse throughout a few states.  But I deal with it. :)

There are the friends that I will never forget.  This, unfortunately comes when you move, when they move, or when you just drift apart all together. Sometimes a relationship takes over your life or theirs, or there just isn't enough time in a week to get together until you slowly fade down to hardly seeing or talking to each other at all.  Then one day, you run into each other or talk on the wonderful social networking invention we all know of.... Facebook (for real, where would we be without it? haha).  And then out come the "remember whens" and the "I miss yous".  Because really?  You never wanted them out of your life, but that's just how life goes sometimes.

 "We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere."
-Tim McGraw

There are friends that I will always miss.  The ones that I have come to accept were only in my life for a sliver of time, and made a little bit of an impact on who I am, or who I was.  The friends I wish I could keep in my life, but the only way to do so is through the memories we made in the small amount of time we had.  I have made my own choices to get me to where I am today, and unfortunately not all of those relationships were strong enough to endure all of them.  I have no regrets, but I am sure thankful for some of the great time some of my wonderful friends shared with me.
There is a saying out there, one that goes something like, "Don't worry about the people in your past, there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."  I can't say I completely agree.  I think there is a reason they were placed in your life at the exact moment in time they showed up.  If you made a friendship with them, you must have seen the good in them at some point.  I can't help but take advantage of every relationship I come across.  Sure, it is sad that some of my friendships no longer exist, but looking back, I could not have gone a day without them.  They are the reason I have learned how to love and enjoy life, and also learned the hardest lessons.  Will I worry about those people?  No.  But I will always be thankful for the fact that at some point in my life, they touched my life and made the ride worth it.

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."
-Helen Keller


And now for a good friend song, because what girl doesn't need it?  It is one of those that played on my ipod yesterday and is so true for me some days.  It inspired my bloggage a little :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

♥ Confessions of a Shoe-aholic: Summer Shoes!

As I have mentioned before.... I love summer.  Mostly because it generally includes sunshine, lake time, 4 wheeling, camping, fireworks, and many other wonderful things.  But also?  Because I get to wear whatever shoes I want to (except for my winter boots. duh).  So this post?  All about those Summer shoes that love to come out and play during the best months of the year.  Thankfully, Summer styles are already being released!  And it makes me that much more excited for sun-shiny weather!

Two Lips pumps
They just scream, "hello summer!"

Jessica Simpson-Joslette
(I even found a swimsuit to match these last weekend.... Not that I am going to be wearing my swimsuit on a runway with my heels or anything.... but still!)

BCBG Warren in Watermelon.
They just scream take me into the sunshine!

Luichiny Katie Lou
Call me crazy, but I love those colors! And the style is wonderful!

Naughty Monkey- Shock and Awe 2
Those may just be my next addition.....

Two Lips pump.  These are just tooooooo cool :)

Colin Stuart heels
He is a genius. Even though they may make me over 6' tall :)

Annnnnd because it is for the sake of Summer, and I go nowhere without these shoes, I had to include my favorite flip flops ever!

What about you, what shoes are YOU looking forward to for the warm sunny Summer days?  

Monday, March 8, 2010

Kudos to Mary Kay

And when I say 'kudos' I do mean to both the woman, and the product :)  If you don't know her story, it really is a great one.  She is a very inspirational woman.

 Confession:  I was a Mary Kay consultant.  Until the end of January.  Then it got to the point where I was such a slacker at it, my director let me know I was inactive for too long to consider myself one anymore.  Which I was okay with, since I never even threw my "Grand Opening" party, I wasn't what you would call "attached".  I still have product that I could sell since I didn't sell it back to the company.  But... A week after I became a "non-consultant", I decided to go through my stuff that I had and get organized, figure out what to keep, what to trash, what to sell.... And I decided to use all the stuff I never thought I would.  Like I said, I am not a consultant anymore.  This is purely a review of what I have discovered from the product, not me promoting it to sell some more :)

True story?  The Miracle set that I thought was only for people who were afraid of getting wrinkles or already had some and wanted to get rid of.... yeah, its clearing up my face real fast.  And I am sitting here wondering why it took a year of this stuff, literally sitting on my shelf before I discovered what a 'miracle' it really is!  My director (and now personal sales consultant, also known as my roommate) says its because of all the amazing vitamins and good stuff that is loaded into the night solution.  My skin is still not perfect, but my pores seem to be shrinking really fast and my little pimples are getting smaller, and disappearing.  Slowly but surely :)  And the bonus?  I will be preventing my skin from aging.

What I use on a daily basis.  It seriously does wonders.

Fact that I learned from said roommate:  Your skin stops producing collagen at the age of 15.  Which means that's when it slowly starts to let gravity take over.  You just don't start to notice until wrinkles and obvious aging starts in your middle aging years.

And now that I have figured out the miracle of the Miracle set, I have also used their wonderful mascara and some other great products and I am sitting here wondering where I have been the last year.  Not that I would be a great sales person by any means, but I sure do love the products!  I have almost always used their cleanser, moisturizer, and some of their makeup, but I do give kudos.  I have tried every acne solution out there it feels like, and now I have just a regular skin care set that is doing wonders for me.  Thank goodness for roommates and friends always being a consultant, if this stuff keeps working wonders for me, I am going to be a customer for life!

I have always thought this woman was a genius.  That will never change.

A few of the wonderful words of wisdom this lady was full of:

"A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one."

"Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway. " 

"Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. "

"Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which confidence and ability to perform shall cease to exist. "

"Sandwich every bit of criticism between two layers of praise. " 

"We must have a theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don't know where you're aiming, you don't have a goal. My goal is to live my life in such a way that when I die, someone can say, she cared."

"Criticize the act, not the person."

"God didn't have time to make a nobody, only a somebody. I believe that each of us has God-given talents within us waiting to be brought to fruition."

What are your tricks to healthy skin?  I am curious because it has been a concern of mine for several years and now that I have found my trick, I am curious as to what yours is. :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

♥ Confessions of a Shoe-aholic: Betsey Johnson

For those of you that love shoes, or are out of the loop.... I think this is one shoe designer you should know about.  And I am so very sad my closet doesn't have at least one pair of this genius of a woman's shoes!  The word "normal" does not exist in her vocabulary.  If you already have your basic shoes and need something to spice up your shoe wardrobe.... look no further.  Betsey Johnson is wonderful!  Here are some of my favorites that I have found recently (check out some of her other stuff, she is soooo creative and designs such distinctive shoes!):


Law heels (also come in a saucy red!)






Betseyville Wynona
(She has two lines of shoes, Betseyville is her other one....I love these!)

And really?  I picked some of the more "tame" styles she has.  But I can guarantee she will never leave you bored with unnoticeable feet. I can't wait to have a pair of my own.  Some day, pretty things. Some day :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Just a bit of Motivation

I have stated before.... I love the way all of my classes right now actually relate to each other, and what I want to do with my life.  Another great thing?  They motivate me like crazy.

I have given you plenty of little facts and tips to make you think about what you are eating, but this last week, I have been feeling especially motivated.... and guilty (in a good way)  I think guilt is a necessary thing in order to motivate change.  I also think that because sun is shining and teasing us with Spring, we are all feeling the need to get that extra motivation so we all look fabulous for the Summer months.  I can almost guarantee everyone I know wants to look good in a swimsuit!  And between my nutrition class and physiology class lately, I sure am realizing what I should be doing now, and forever.  It seems the main thing people want to do... is lose weight.  Which is great, especially now-a-days when there seems to be problems and medical issues arising from being overweight.  But what happens when you do lose the weight you want?  After you lose that 10, 20, 30 pounds, how motivated are you to keep going to the gym and eat healthy?  It is so  hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle until you have it pounded into your head.  I know people that can go both ways.  I know some people who already know the benefits.  They already understand the importance of eating healthy, working out on a regular basis, and avoiding things like that will be more harmful to you than helpful to you.

#1 thing that really stood out in one of my physiology lecture last week:  Because of the way muscles work and use oxygen and energy, it takes 30 minutes of aerobic activity before your body starts using and metabolizing the stored fat in your body.  So my goal from here on out?  Is to get back into the gym at least 4 days a week for more than an hour.  I started today.  And I am motivated.

And even though I will write a separate blog later on this.... I still need to tell you.  Fish oil is amazing. It is one of the best "fats" for your body, and there are so many benefits!  Whether you get it by pill (that's my way) or by actually eating fish with Omega 3 (no thanks, I hate fish!), it is a fantastic thing you need in your diet! (the other two fats that are actually good for you are canola oil and olive oil.... because you do need fat in your diet!)

My nutrition class also ruined dessert for me today.  I have a serious sweet tooth.  And one of the worst desserts you can order?  The delicious chocolate chip paradise pie from Chillis.  It has 1,600 calories!  That is the equivalent of 3 Big Macs and 8 days worth of what you should be eating in sugar.  So sad.  I love dessert.  And I go to Chillis a lot too.  Next goal:  eat healthy ALL THE TIME, even when I eat out on the weekends.  For serious.  I need to start making some good habits now so I can make my life healthy, not just tone up for Summer.