Tuesday, April 27, 2010

*Communication FAIL*

So I made this decision recently.  I am going to take a step back in technology... I know, I might sound like I am not in my 20s and slightly insane.  But really?  All this communication, or lack there of is driving me crazy.  I have put in a recent blog how much I hate the way people put things on Facebook.  If it wasn't for my close friends that post pictures and tell me what they are doing on Facebook, I would probably delete it.  I love pictures, and I love seeing what people are up to.  I just hate when they get too personal.  However, I am going to stop doing some of my regular internetting.  Yes, that is a word today.

Here is the deal.  I like love interacting with people and making friendships.  The way I see it?  The more you communicate on a computer screen, the less likely you are to make a real connection and relationship with that person.  Most of my great friends are hardly on Facebook, and I think a lot of the reason we stay close is that we actually talk on a regular basis.  So I am going to delete my Twitter.  And probably stop updating my blog.  At least until I make amends with technology again.  I would just prefer to be real friends with real people.  I think Twitter is great for the business aspect, but if I have a Facebook for my friends, why would I need a Twitter account too to make friends that I will never actually meet?  The only good thing about my Twitter was that it sent some extra traffic and readers to my blog. I really love technology, but sometimes I think we all just need to take a step back.  Got a problem with someone or something important to say?  In my opinion.... Don't post it on facebook, twitter, send them an email, or blog about them.  If you don't have the guts to say something to them face to face or over a phone conversation, the least you can do is text them.  If you are a real person, wouldn't you rather hear from another real person, not get a virtual response?  I am going to work on it because I think communication is a lot more effective when it is real.  I appreciate it when others have that respect for me and I have every intention of showing that respect to my friends.  So for now?  The Frolicking Frenzy is done.  I love the name of my blog, and might start up again someday, but I am going to spend less time in the virtual world, which means that my random blog of health and shoes is going to take a break.  And until it starts up again, I see no reason to keep a Twitter account.  So bye bye virtual friends! I will be back on..... someday. ♥

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

♥ Confessions of a Shoe-aholic: DSquared

So in the last few days of my internet browsing, I have discovered a decently expensive shoe line.... that I am in LOVE with!   So for any of you that feel like spending some cash to help decorate my feet, these will do ;)  I mean, not only does their name work great for me, but SO MANY of their shoes, would look so good on my feet!

These would be the perfect Summer shoe, in my opinion.

Holy moley, I think these are one of my new favorites.  Ever.


I love these for Summer too.  And to make them better?  They are that wonderful shade of purple!

What girl doesn't need a pretty pair of patent pink pump sandals in their wardrobe?  Perfect.

Again, Purple!  Love them.

I am pretty sure if I wore these, I would gain super powers.  For real.

 I love these for a nice simple brown heel.  The ankle strap especially.

True story?  I might have found one of my new favorite shoe brands.  I love how they are unique, but at the same time.... something that people other than celebrities can wear and pull off.  If only they were slightly more affordable.....

Hope you have a wonderful week, fellow shoe lovers!

Friday, April 9, 2010

The "Skinny" on Fat

Well, I promised it. And now?  It is time for another health blog from yours, truly.

I think people are very misinformed when it comes to fat.  Sure, we know it's the "squishy" stuff that is hiding our sexy six-pack abs and everything else that we wish looked a bit better.  But why do we have it anyway?

I know there are so many diets out there that emphasize LOW FAT or NO FAT diets.  Well, in America, that is probably a good idea, because "if a little is good, more is better".... which is why we consume so much bad stuff for us. Here are some major things to know about fat.
  1. It is a great source of energy. As in an energy reserve.  The bad side?  Excess calories get converted to fat. Extra calories=extra fat.  Plus all the fat you are consuming.
  2. Linoleic Acid is an essential fatty acid that serve a structural role. It is found in many plants and is considered a polyunsaturated fat. Linoleic acid is also known as the Omega 6 fatty acid. The bad side? It should only be consumed as 4% of calories.... On average, the American diet contains up to 6-10% of dietary calories. However, when consumed properly, this fatty acid can help you lower your cholesterol.
  3. Another incredibly essential fatty acid? Omega 3.   This one is found mostly in plants and fish.  Don't like fish?  This is the magic stuff that comes in a "fish oil" capsule.  True story?  I take a fat supplement daily. It is proven to help lower your triglycerides.  There are SO many benefits of taking fish oil.  If you don't eat fish frequently (like myself), I suggest you take a look at the Benefits of Fish Oil.  It is so good for you in so many ways, from your heart, to your skin, to your reproductive system.
  4. The best place you can get both Omega 3 and Omega 6 with the correct ratio is in Olive Oil and Canola Oil.  Especially Olive.
  5. You need fat.  There are some essential fat soluble vitamins (A, D, and E) that you need to efficiently absorb.  Fat does that for you.  It helps with absorption and carrying those vitamins around.
  6. Fat helps you feel fuller longer.  It's satiety delays stomach emptying.  This doesn't mean that you should go out and eat as much fat as you possibly can, but in my opinion, it means you should keep a little bit of fat in each meal to keep you feeling fuller a little bit longer. Ever notice how low fat stuff like salad fills you up, but not for very long?  The key is moderation!
  7. I have blogged about transfats before.  If nothing else, remember it gives you cancer. Mostly breast cancer.  Also cancer has been seen in the colon, stomach, esophagus, etc. So stay away from transfats and any kind of hydrogenated oil. It also increases your cholesterol and triglycerides.
  8. You are born with all the fat cells in your body that you will ever have.  You don't grow more, you don't lose fat when you lose weight.  The size and activity of the cell will increase as you consume more calories.  You can't turn fat into muscle.  Sorry!  But when you go to the gym and start toning up, you are simply burning those extra calories that are being stored in the fat cells and you are building that muscle up.

This is what a slide of fat cells (adipocytes) actually looks like.  In case you were wondering.

Really, like everything else in your regular diet, fat should be consumed in moderation instead of in excess.  Completely taking it out of your diet?  Might leave you extra hungry and you might end up consuming more calories, which gets converted to fat anyway when you consume an excess.  The key here? Balance. Balance fat intake and caloric intake and it will help you out lots!

What are your thoughts on fat?  What works for you in your diet as far as fats are concerned?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

♥ Confessions of a Shoe-aholic: Shoes made of......

I gotta admit.... My shoe blog on Wednesday... is the most consistent thing of my blog.  I love my weekly shoe blog!  But later this week, I am promising to jump back into my health related blogs again as soon as possible.  I have a few that are making me crazy and I need to get them written so I can tell you all about them!

Now for my usual shoe blog!  I am kind of excited for this one because I know the possibilities are endless.  It is pretty amazing how people can make things that aren't shoes.... look so much like shoes!  Like for real?  I would totally wear some of these if they were real.  And I would probably avoid some of the others....  either way, the creativity put into some of these things amaze me.  Check out these "shoes"!

  These?  Look so real. But are made from..... chocolate!  They are like a girl's best friend!  You can find these and order them at a shop in Michigan named Gayle's Chocolates.  I think it is a pretty wonderful idea. You could design your own chocolate shoe!!!!

This single shoe?  It is made of crystal glass.  And it is sold with that bottle of Piper-Heidsieck Champagne.  It is made to resemble a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes.  The stem is supposed to resemble the stem of a Champagne flute.  Pretty fancy and purdy if you ask me.

These look stinkin' sweet!  They are made of paper.  Oragami shoes?  Who comes up with these things.

This shoe is completely edible.  In fact, that shoe box?  It's a cake.  For that reason?  I love watching shows like Amazing Wedding Cakes  and Cake Boss because I am normally a cake hater.  They make me want to be all creative and make my own. That look that good.

Need a new pair of slippers?  Just go buy a couple loaves of bread and cut them to your size!  Ha!

These are made from Gabriel Dishaw.  As an art piece.  But they are made out of "junk" mostly computer chips.  I would say this is creativity at it's best!  These are the Blazer Pentium 1.0 shoes.... appropriate name, no?

These look somewhat torturous to me.  And scary.  But made entirely of metal... once again, kudos for creativity.

I am trying to decide why these shoes were even created.  But they probably didn't cost much money.... and probably aren't confortable. at all.  They barely look like shoes.  But hey, I can't dis a Styrofoam creation either.

Have some extra plastic bags laying around?  Go green and make some sandals! You could even customize them to fit you perfectly!

Speaking of going green.... You could always ask Krispy Kreme of all places to get you some of their grass-made flip flops.  All I know is my allergies would go nuts!

If I could find a way to make them last, I would totally use these shoes made up entirely of plants to decorate my house.  Some of them are sooooo pretty!  More of these beautiful creations can be seen here: Pretty Plant Shoes and I really think you should check them out!

That concludes what I have found today on whacky shoes.  If you have anymore awesome creations that I should see, I would love it if you would share them!  I get a kick out of shoes made of anything other than the usual.  Makes me wonder where some of these people get their creativity.