Wednesday, February 24, 2010

♥ Confessions of a Shoe-aholic

This is going to become a regular Wednesday thing.  Assuming I can keep up ;)
I love shoes.  Shoes love me.  I love heels. And my feet miss wearing heels in the winter months here where snow doesn't know how to melt.  I was reminded yesterday, when I needed to wear a pretty pair of heels for my interview.... why I stopped wearing them when I have to walk to class. Dirt and snow and ice.... makes a girl's life rough when walking on your toes! :)  Maybe that's another reason I love warmer days.  I get to make my feet look much prettier.

Needless to say, I am a shoe-aholic.  So I am planning on showing you a new shoe every week.  And something to go with it.  My sister says she needs advice on shoes, so here I will give advice, opinions, and look for yours too!

First confession:  I have been lusting after these shoes for a long time.  They would be so pretty on my feet.  And they are just as pretty in white, but I want a blue pair.  If it weren't for the price, I probably would have bought them a year ago when I found them.  They are so so so pretty.

L.A.M.B Gideon Heel
They would work so wonderfully with my jeans or a cute springy dress. The stitching detail makes them so cute! And even though I am rather tall, I still don't mind that they have a 4 1/4" heel.  They would only make my legs look longer! However, when they are on sale for $150+, a broke college girl has to just keep them for eye candy and just picture them on my feet for a while.

What is your favorite shoe that you have yet to get?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's about time I blogged.

I have been SO behind in the blogging world.  But, rightfully so.

First off, I would like to say that hockey, with some of the greatest friends ever... makes for one weekend that is unforgettable.  I also learned a thing or two about hockey!  I'm no pro, but I can sure sit and enjoy a game. And it also comes with cameras full of pictures that are hilarious.  But also a few good ones too.  Like this one:
That's right... Go Gophers!
That was over a week ago, but like I said... I am SO behind!  That weekend, we also got to go tour the Coors brewery, which was pretty neat and worth the time if you are in the Denver/Golden area.  And besides, its free and you get a free beer taste testing too!

Thursday, I got all four wisdom teeth taken out.  Aside from the first day, I would say that the rest was somewhat bearable.  Few days of recovery and I am back to normal! (with the exception of eating normally)

I have been stresssssssssed out.  Test after test after more tests to make up for missing class last week? Eeeeek, I think it shouldn't be allowed for ALL teachers to test people within a matter of days.  I swear they plot against us. ;)

I had a job interview today.  It was possibly one of the shortest interviews I have ever experienced.   But it seemed to go well, I think he liked me and said he would call my references and call me back by Friday. *say a prayer* *cross your fingers* This girl needs a job!

I have a love/hate relationship with Twitter.  I like it most days, but sometimes I am really good at neglecting it.  I have tried lately to be a little better!  Today though, I went and followed a few healthy people.  You know, people successful at weight loss, people with good tips, stuff like that.  I got SO many followers that are all about health tips and how to do this and that. Some of them, I like.  Others, look like "junk mail" people that just want you to click on their links.  That drives me crazy.  And if I was a person who was really looking to lose weight and got a Twitter account?  I think I would feel so lost if I was bombarded with all that information and links.  

I decided that enough things have happened in 2010 for me and my family, that until December, we should all stay pretty healthy, have no more car problems, and probably have good luck.  We are very blessed, and I am very happy with my life.  But holy smokes, it's been a rocky 2 month start for the year, don't ya think?

Annnnnd its time for the song of the day week!
Because Cory Morrow is fantastic.


Now for the healthy stuff.  I decided today I am not going to go on one of my rants, but give you one of the healthy links I got from my frienemy Twitter :)  6 Essential Flat-Belly Foods  I actually tweeted it earlier too, so for those of you folks who follow me, that is the same link.  But the reason I like it so much?  Not only does it give you wonderful things to eat to help you out.... But coffee is actually on that list!  It makes me a little excited.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pwetty Flowers

Consider my curiosity pricked.
I have always been so uneducated about flowers.  And I don't have a certain "favorite" that I neeeeed every time I get flowers.  It's the most un-girly thing I have in me.  I know roses are so popular, and I really do love them, but I like others too.  I like pretty, creative bouquets, but don't know what they mean.  So I am on a mission to find flowers, other than roses, that fit me.

First, the flowers I have always found pretty, and I think they suit me pretty well.  But I still wanted to know the meaning.
Gerbra daisies: meaning innocence, loyal love, purity, and gentleness

And next: Sunflowers (especially the freshly picked kind)
Meaning: loyalty and wishes
Fun fact: you can steam the buds like artichokes and they even taste a bit similar.

Beyond that, I know nothing. So here are a few of my findings that I like....

Chrysanthemum-  I found this one because it is the flower for my birth month. November.  And that seems pretty important, don't you think?

Freesia: they mean spirited.  However in these, I think I am a bit picky on color.... but sooo pretty.

Apple blossoms: promise

Hibiscus: strength of character. However again, I think it would depend completely on color :)

Star of Bethlehem: hope *soooo pretty and simple*

One of the more unique flowers I found.....
The Passion Flower: obviously meaning passion

There were a few more that caught my eye, but these were the main ones that I narrowed it down to.  What about you, do you have a favorite flower?  Do you know what it means?  I am curious.  I want to know if there are more uncommon favorites :) Please, educate this girl!

The latest: Holy crap you all have lots of pretty favorites. I am lovin' it! Thanks!  And I also just realized I lied.  I would love love love to receive a rainbow rose.... Does anyone  have any idea if they dry pretty too?  :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stress, Hockey, EYB, and Fiber

Ahhhhh Thursday.  This day has been strangely stressful, which has killed motivation for me to get anything accomplished in the last hour.  Which is a slight problem, because the next two weekends promise no actual productivity having to do with school.  And of course because I am so organized learned from the best (thanks dad ;)), I waited until today to get all of it done, because I find myself to be pretty productive on the last major day before anything happens.  It works great, unless of course things go wrong and by wrong, I mean Physics labs going an hour and a half longer than scheduled.  It totally kills the rest of the day!

Anyway, this weekend has some pretty exciting plans.  I am getting thrown into (real fast!) the world of college hockey. Sure, I have gone to a few games before here and there.  But mostly for the social aspect, or to say "Cool! Look at that guy get smashed into the wall!"  and hear horror stories of hockey pucks getting launched into the audience to coincidentally hit the team's biggest fan in the head to kill him.  But this weekend, I am going with some of my best friends (who happen to be the biggest fans of the Minnesota Gophers) to actually watch the game.  Thankfully, I know the basics of team sports, so following should be pretty easy, I just have to learn the detailed rules of college hockey.  I am pretty excited! 
Oh, and I guess there is a holiday this weekend too.  That whole Valentine's day thing?  I have never been huge on celebrating it.  Usually my mom buys us some candy and a stuffed bear or something and we call it a good day.  I am quite okay with that :)  So plans as far as V-day?  I am cooking my workin' man some dinner and we will probably watch Criminal Minds like we do every other Sunday evening.  I told him no gifts necessary.  As long as I get to spend time with him, I am a happy camper.  I just figure if you are going to show me how much you care for me, do it spontaneously, not on a day that everyone else is doing the same thing. 

And now, you get to hear one of my favorite songs of all.  Even though one of the hardest times in my life and the time I learned some of the best lessons in life was when I went to school in Missouri, I have to admit... I met some great people and had some great times along the way.  And one of the funnest nights there, I had a few of those people called this my song, and for the rest of the year, it stayed that way.  Then, it just fit.  It fit me and the friends I had at the time. 
(Please excuse the random photos... part of me liking songs that are never played on the radio, means there is rarely an "official" video to go along with them :))  Hope you enjoy!

Nutrition fact of the day: Holy smokes, have you looked into the benefits of having a high fiber diet?  (There is a such thing as too much fiber, but until you start exceeding 200 grams/day... you don't have anything to worry about.)  So we have all seen the commercials for the fiber drink mixes and the yogurts, blah blah blah.  Good thing to know about fiber?  Your body can't digest it.  That's why things like yogurt and other stuff with that "good" bacteria are important in your diet.  The bacteria do all the work.  But fiber is an essential thing to consume, mainly for your GI health.  Your body can do some serious balancing, and eating fiber can be both a laxative and an antidiarrheal (did I just use that word in my blog?).  Other benefits: studies are showing that it probably prevents colon cancer, it prevents appendicitis, it decreases hemorrhoids, decreases diverticulosis, and it is also shown to help reduce obesity (mainly because it is lower in fat and decreases the energy intake from protein, fat, and carbs).  It is also something that, when increased, can decrease cholesterol, decrease your chances of getting gall stones, and it can help a little bit in managing diabetes too.  I know, I know, this is definitely one big fat summary of what fiber can do for you, but if it does so many great things, don't you think people should know what it's doing to their body? :)  Now go eat some fiber-rich foods! ;)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Uniquely Awesome

So today, I am just clicking randomly through different links, looking at blogs I hadn't seen before, which lead me to more links.... And then I found this photographer.  I wish she had her own website, but she doesn't.  Instead, there are just bunches and bunches of google images.  And I must say... Someday, I want a print of this picture, big and pretty somewhere in a house that will let me :)


 The genius who took it?  Her name is Marilyn Minter.  And she takes some pretty unique pictures, but I love some of them!  Like these:

I think she does enough awesome shoe photos that if I ever have a closet just for my shoes (which will also contain one of those sweet chandeliers with glass heels hanging from them, like in DSW...) I would so take some of her pictures to decorate it with.  Thought her work was worth sharing, I love the closeness and the colors of all of them!


Friday, February 5, 2010

I'm Lucky, Thankful, and I want you to live longer.

Today?  Feels a bit lucky.  I was in dire need of coffee to manage any kind of alertness this morning and then, because I drank so much?  I couldn't sit still through my 3 hours of class and I constantly stared at the clock, like that would make it move faster or something.  It didn't work.  BUT today was one of those days, that classes just felt good. If that is the right word for it.  I complain some days that I don't want to be in school.  But the truth?  I love school.  With the "poor college student" thoughts set aside (that's the only true negative about being a student, in my opinion), I can honestly say, since I am officially in classes having to do with nothing other than my major, and all the crap of "requirements" is taken care of (with 3 exceptions), I actually enjoy it.  I love the challenge.  And even more?  I love that all of my classes are now actually related to each other, and help me out.  Example?  As of now, my Physiology class is hard. And I have been warned.  But on the bright side?  Today in my Nutrition class, I totally got a review of half the stuff my physiology class has been covering.  And I have complained about my Physics class.  But thankfully, I am also required to take my trig class (aka my high school junior year math class) which actually gives me a bit of help in physics with the review I am gettting (who would have thought).  Thank heavens for a semester that will actually make sense and has nothing to do with History or Political Science!

Also?  Something really lucky happened to me today.  I found $5!!!!!!!!! I have never had that happen to me before.  It was just sitting there lonely on the sidewalk with no one in sight.  I didn't even know that actually happened to people.  I shall put it to something useful this afternoon....

I am thankful today.  Thankful for things always working out for the better.  Thankful for a wonderful family that has had a really rough week, and still is there for me when I need them for silly things.  Thankful for friends, and extremely excited to see three in particular next week, and the ones I get to see regularly that will never disappear out of my life.  Thankful that I have a good guy.  He takes good care of me, and makes me so happy.  Thankful for my cute little town house that I share with three good roomates.  I have made my own space my own which is what I needed.  Thankful for my reliable car, that puts up with my large amounts of travel, and she is also paid off, which gives me one less thing to worry about at the beginning of the month.

And now, I share a favorite song.  It is one of my ringtones and when my phone rings I won't answer it right away because I still like to sing along to it.  It is a good life theme song :)

Now, you get a little lecture.  Because, what would my blog be without healthy stuff.  You might feel like I am stepping on some toes today, but if it is such a problem, people need to hear it.
Obesity is the #1 epidemic in the United States.  You all know this.  It is also the #1 most preventable disease in America.  I understand that genetics might not be on your side in some cases, but if you are aware of a family history, and don't want to fall into the trend, it is your personal responsibility to take control.  It requires a lifestyle change.  It requires a permanent change in diet, and it requires you get off your booty and get active.  It is recommended that each person should participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily.  It should be a regular part of your day.  It doesn't mean that you have to make it to the gym every single day.  You can mix it up, but you need to get your heart rate up, work those muscles, work your heart, get your metabolism up, and make your body happy.  There is no negative effects from exercise.  It improves your mood, metabolism, immune system, will lower your medical costs, and it can only make you thinner and toned.  The benefits are endless.
Did you know, in 2006 (it is the most updated information I could find on a reliable site), Type 2 diabetes was the #7 reason for death in the United States.  90-95% of all Diabetes is Type 2.  And in most cases, it can be prevented.  Type 2 is usually caused by being overweight and obese.  It increases your risk of heart disease and stroke, and is a leading cause of other health problems such as blindness and kidney disease. (more information and statistics found at )

Don't you think it is time to be proactive?  It is time for people to be informed.  There are nutrition classes available, there are personal trainers at the gym, there are nutritionists full of information, and there are even psychologists available specifically for helping people with issues with weight gain if you are in an extreme situation.  Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight.  They don't happen in a week.  They happen with time and support.  The more educated you become about your own personal health and nutrition, the more likely you are to get motivated and make changes to help your lifestyle.  Trust me, you won't be disappointed, especially in the long run.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jumbled Tuesday, but Carbs are good!

Confession: I have been a lazy blogger the last few days. I keep starting blogs. And then I don't finish and really, my mind is just kind of jumbled right now, so forgive me if it shows.

I should really STOP watching Criminal Minds.  At night even.  I am completely addicted to the show, but it gives me the strangest and most graphic dreams ever! And in them?  I am one of the people trying to solve the stinkin murder mystery.  But it is sooooo intriguing! (Thanks to my sister for getting me hooked!)

Who honestly came up with Groundhogs Day?!?!  It makes no sense.  And the sun always shines.  Magically.  And if it didn't?  I would like to see someone come to Wyoming and tell us we are only going to have 4 more weeks of winter.  Come visit us in March and tell us that winter is supposed to be over if we actually got a cloudy Groundhog's Day.  And thinking back, I can't remember a single year the sun didn't shine on the 2nd day of February.  Jerks.

I love my Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes.  I hate my Tuesday and Thursdays consisting of nothing other than the dreaded Physics.  Makes me want to sleep through those days and pretend I'm not really in that class.

I neeeeeeed a job.  In Laramie.  Starting like.... a month ago.  And this town is full of nothin' for me.  Quite frustrating really.  If anyone has a brilliant idea (other than checking the school postings, applying to restaurants, checking the newspaper, and checking the City of Laramie job posting site regularly), I would appreciate it!

I ♥ Reckless Kelly.  I wish I would have made their concert two weeks ago in Denver. They rock.

Nutrition fact of the day: Carbs are not fattening. If done right.  50-60% of your diet, should actually come from carbs (in cases where you are very active, this could be as high as 75%).  Good carbs, that is.  Granted, you should watch how much sugar you are consuming regularly, but there are also benefits to carbohydrates.  Your fruits, veggies, whole grains and beans are rich with fiber, necessary for your diet.  One thing to understand carbs don't have to be rich in FAT.  This is great news to me, because I am a carb lover.  I love my breads and pastas.  I just have to watch myself and make sure I don't have too many of them and also watch that I am making the healthier options (such as whole grain bread).  And of course, watching those calories is just as important.