Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jumbled Tuesday, but Carbs are good!

Confession: I have been a lazy blogger the last few days. I keep starting blogs. And then I don't finish and really, my mind is just kind of jumbled right now, so forgive me if it shows.

I should really STOP watching Criminal Minds.  At night even.  I am completely addicted to the show, but it gives me the strangest and most graphic dreams ever! And in them?  I am one of the people trying to solve the stinkin murder mystery.  But it is sooooo intriguing! (Thanks to my sister for getting me hooked!)

Who honestly came up with Groundhogs Day?!?!  It makes no sense.  And the sun always shines.  Magically.  And if it didn't?  I would like to see someone come to Wyoming and tell us we are only going to have 4 more weeks of winter.  Come visit us in March and tell us that winter is supposed to be over if we actually got a cloudy Groundhog's Day.  And thinking back, I can't remember a single year the sun didn't shine on the 2nd day of February.  Jerks.

I love my Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes.  I hate my Tuesday and Thursdays consisting of nothing other than the dreaded Physics.  Makes me want to sleep through those days and pretend I'm not really in that class.

I neeeeeeed a job.  In Laramie.  Starting like.... a month ago.  And this town is full of nothin' for me.  Quite frustrating really.  If anyone has a brilliant idea (other than checking the school postings, applying to restaurants, checking the newspaper, and checking the City of Laramie job posting site regularly), I would appreciate it!

I ♥ Reckless Kelly.  I wish I would have made their concert two weeks ago in Denver. They rock.

Nutrition fact of the day: Carbs are not fattening. If done right.  50-60% of your diet, should actually come from carbs (in cases where you are very active, this could be as high as 75%).  Good carbs, that is.  Granted, you should watch how much sugar you are consuming regularly, but there are also benefits to carbohydrates.  Your fruits, veggies, whole grains and beans are rich with fiber, necessary for your diet.  One thing to understand carbs don't have to be rich in FAT.  This is great news to me, because I am a carb lover.  I love my breads and pastas.  I just have to watch myself and make sure I don't have too many of them and also watch that I am making the healthier options (such as whole grain bread).  And of course, watching those calories is just as important.

1 comment:

  1. I agree whole hearted with the Criminal Minds thing for one very specific reason... Shemar Moore. OK well I actually agree with most of this except the physics part cause i heart physics.. and no complaining about not seeing Reckless Kelly cause you got to see Ragweed. I think just to spite you I'll go see RK when there in Mlps in april :) oh and mt.dew has carbs sooooo.....
