Friday, February 5, 2010

I'm Lucky, Thankful, and I want you to live longer.

Today?  Feels a bit lucky.  I was in dire need of coffee to manage any kind of alertness this morning and then, because I drank so much?  I couldn't sit still through my 3 hours of class and I constantly stared at the clock, like that would make it move faster or something.  It didn't work.  BUT today was one of those days, that classes just felt good. If that is the right word for it.  I complain some days that I don't want to be in school.  But the truth?  I love school.  With the "poor college student" thoughts set aside (that's the only true negative about being a student, in my opinion), I can honestly say, since I am officially in classes having to do with nothing other than my major, and all the crap of "requirements" is taken care of (with 3 exceptions), I actually enjoy it.  I love the challenge.  And even more?  I love that all of my classes are now actually related to each other, and help me out.  Example?  As of now, my Physiology class is hard. And I have been warned.  But on the bright side?  Today in my Nutrition class, I totally got a review of half the stuff my physiology class has been covering.  And I have complained about my Physics class.  But thankfully, I am also required to take my trig class (aka my high school junior year math class) which actually gives me a bit of help in physics with the review I am gettting (who would have thought).  Thank heavens for a semester that will actually make sense and has nothing to do with History or Political Science!

Also?  Something really lucky happened to me today.  I found $5!!!!!!!!! I have never had that happen to me before.  It was just sitting there lonely on the sidewalk with no one in sight.  I didn't even know that actually happened to people.  I shall put it to something useful this afternoon....

I am thankful today.  Thankful for things always working out for the better.  Thankful for a wonderful family that has had a really rough week, and still is there for me when I need them for silly things.  Thankful for friends, and extremely excited to see three in particular next week, and the ones I get to see regularly that will never disappear out of my life.  Thankful that I have a good guy.  He takes good care of me, and makes me so happy.  Thankful for my cute little town house that I share with three good roomates.  I have made my own space my own which is what I needed.  Thankful for my reliable car, that puts up with my large amounts of travel, and she is also paid off, which gives me one less thing to worry about at the beginning of the month.

And now, I share a favorite song.  It is one of my ringtones and when my phone rings I won't answer it right away because I still like to sing along to it.  It is a good life theme song :)

Now, you get a little lecture.  Because, what would my blog be without healthy stuff.  You might feel like I am stepping on some toes today, but if it is such a problem, people need to hear it.
Obesity is the #1 epidemic in the United States.  You all know this.  It is also the #1 most preventable disease in America.  I understand that genetics might not be on your side in some cases, but if you are aware of a family history, and don't want to fall into the trend, it is your personal responsibility to take control.  It requires a lifestyle change.  It requires a permanent change in diet, and it requires you get off your booty and get active.  It is recommended that each person should participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily.  It should be a regular part of your day.  It doesn't mean that you have to make it to the gym every single day.  You can mix it up, but you need to get your heart rate up, work those muscles, work your heart, get your metabolism up, and make your body happy.  There is no negative effects from exercise.  It improves your mood, metabolism, immune system, will lower your medical costs, and it can only make you thinner and toned.  The benefits are endless.
Did you know, in 2006 (it is the most updated information I could find on a reliable site), Type 2 diabetes was the #7 reason for death in the United States.  90-95% of all Diabetes is Type 2.  And in most cases, it can be prevented.  Type 2 is usually caused by being overweight and obese.  It increases your risk of heart disease and stroke, and is a leading cause of other health problems such as blindness and kidney disease. (more information and statistics found at )

Don't you think it is time to be proactive?  It is time for people to be informed.  There are nutrition classes available, there are personal trainers at the gym, there are nutritionists full of information, and there are even psychologists available specifically for helping people with issues with weight gain if you are in an extreme situation.  Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight.  They don't happen in a week.  They happen with time and support.  The more educated you become about your own personal health and nutrition, the more likely you are to get motivated and make changes to help your lifestyle.  Trust me, you won't be disappointed, especially in the long run.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that you keep talking/educating us all on nutrition/diet and exercise!

    Some people need this information smacked into their face several times, before they get off the darn couch! I say...make a routine of it, lifestyle change etc. Just like watching 'The Biggest Loser', if your diet and exercise rule your life, then you will get off ALL medications! No more anti-depressants, no more heart or cholesteral meds...blah!

    Great blog and so happy you found $5.00!
