Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's about time I blogged.

I have been SO behind in the blogging world.  But, rightfully so.

First off, I would like to say that hockey, with some of the greatest friends ever... makes for one weekend that is unforgettable.  I also learned a thing or two about hockey!  I'm no pro, but I can sure sit and enjoy a game. And it also comes with cameras full of pictures that are hilarious.  But also a few good ones too.  Like this one:
That's right... Go Gophers!
That was over a week ago, but like I said... I am SO behind!  That weekend, we also got to go tour the Coors brewery, which was pretty neat and worth the time if you are in the Denver/Golden area.  And besides, its free and you get a free beer taste testing too!

Thursday, I got all four wisdom teeth taken out.  Aside from the first day, I would say that the rest was somewhat bearable.  Few days of recovery and I am back to normal! (with the exception of eating normally)

I have been stresssssssssed out.  Test after test after more tests to make up for missing class last week? Eeeeek, I think it shouldn't be allowed for ALL teachers to test people within a matter of days.  I swear they plot against us. ;)

I had a job interview today.  It was possibly one of the shortest interviews I have ever experienced.   But it seemed to go well, I think he liked me and said he would call my references and call me back by Friday. *say a prayer* *cross your fingers* This girl needs a job!

I have a love/hate relationship with Twitter.  I like it most days, but sometimes I am really good at neglecting it.  I have tried lately to be a little better!  Today though, I went and followed a few healthy people.  You know, people successful at weight loss, people with good tips, stuff like that.  I got SO many followers that are all about health tips and how to do this and that. Some of them, I like.  Others, look like "junk mail" people that just want you to click on their links.  That drives me crazy.  And if I was a person who was really looking to lose weight and got a Twitter account?  I think I would feel so lost if I was bombarded with all that information and links.  

I decided that enough things have happened in 2010 for me and my family, that until December, we should all stay pretty healthy, have no more car problems, and probably have good luck.  We are very blessed, and I am very happy with my life.  But holy smokes, it's been a rocky 2 month start for the year, don't ya think?

Annnnnd its time for the song of the day week!
Because Cory Morrow is fantastic.


Now for the healthy stuff.  I decided today I am not going to go on one of my rants, but give you one of the healthy links I got from my frienemy Twitter :)  6 Essential Flat-Belly Foods  I actually tweeted it earlier too, so for those of you folks who follow me, that is the same link.  But the reason I like it so much?  Not only does it give you wonderful things to eat to help you out.... But coffee is actually on that list!  It makes me a little excited.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I'm praying for you to get that job!
