Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thoughts on Thursday, Country Music, and Water

I hate Thursdays.  I used to love them, because they were the day before Friday.  And well, Fridays are great because its the day I get out of town for the weekend!  But this semester?  Three and a half hours of physics exhaust a girl.  I hate Physics.  With a passion. By the end of the day, I have myself thinking, "thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!"  No more TGIF.  Now, its TGTF!

But the day will end well!  I have plans of working out, going to a jewelry party, and then having a drink with a friend before calling it a day. 

I ♥ country music.  And not always the kind you hear on the radio.  Usually, the kind you don't hear on the radio is a million times better.  And my ipod is full of it!  The only thing is, finding it can be a bit more challenging.  I loved Eli Young Band before they were ever on the radio.  Now they are almost getting all famous on me, and their old songs are better.
But this week?  I am rediscovering my love for Lee Brice.  He has a few songs that I am drawn to, then he has a few hillbilly songs.  But this is one of my faves of his.  It's the live version, because I can't find any recorded versions from him.

Is it just me?  Or is winter just a big fat "Debbie Downer"?  I always have a hard time right around this time of year.  Seems my stress doubles, and I get grouchy much faster.  Days seem slow, the cold weather gets tiring, and I really just think I need some of my Vitamin D!  I actually had a teacher tell me once (she was a bit crazy) that we should spend time in tanning beds to get our Vitamin D in the winter.  She told us that right after she told us about skin cancer..... Still trying to figure that one out.

 Nutrition fact of the day: simply has to do with water. Because I don't want to ruin anymore of your favorite foods this week ;)  Yeah, yeah, we have all heard that you need 8 cups of water a day.  Which is true.  In some cases.  That is simply the minimum.  When you live at sea level.... Did you know that you are supposed to add a glass of water to that 8 glass recommendation for every 1,000 feet that you are above sea level? (Hooray for those of us at 7,000 feet who get to add 7 cups a day, right?!?!)  And on top of that, for every 15 minutes of exercise a day, you need to add yet another glass?  But the good news is.... some of that can be included in the food you eat.  You know, like celery and lettuce and such.... They have lots of water in them, and count towards your fluid intake daily.
This could be helpful information if you suffer from regular headaches or migraines. 40-60% of migraines are caused by lack of daily fluid intake.  It obviously has other benefits too, such as helping with renal (kidney) function.  And for you ladies?  It decreases PMS (along with less sugar, caffeine, and sodium).  It is also shown to decrease hypertension, which also means it indirectly decrease your chances of cardiovascular disease. So drink up!
You know, just in case you were wondering ;)

Enough of my random ramblings today.  Hope everyone had a grand Friday tomorrow!


  1. I've always been taught to just drink water, non-stop, all day. Never wait until you are thirsty to drink a glass. So I'm totally drunk on water all day long, from the time I wake up, all day long at work, until 30 minutes before bed. Water, water and more water!

    D and D-3...totally in my daily diet!

    Great blog!

  2. You know, Weight Watchers says a minimum of 64 oz of water (8 glasses) and anything over that is a big pat on the back.

    BUUUUT Water also fills you up! It makes you feel full (I'm learning this as I get cravings :p), and isn't that bad.

    Plus.... ever LOOKED at water? The bright blue in the ocean, with bubbles floating on top in a bath, in a pond with ducks paddling across, in your favorite cup.

    Hell, Water was also big in Jurassic Park... remember the thudding of the TRex? Not saing you should fear water... but there's loads of great things water-related. So drink the heck up girlie :p I will toast you to that :) good post!
