Wednesday, April 7, 2010

♥ Confessions of a Shoe-aholic: Shoes made of......

I gotta admit.... My shoe blog on Wednesday... is the most consistent thing of my blog.  I love my weekly shoe blog!  But later this week, I am promising to jump back into my health related blogs again as soon as possible.  I have a few that are making me crazy and I need to get them written so I can tell you all about them!

Now for my usual shoe blog!  I am kind of excited for this one because I know the possibilities are endless.  It is pretty amazing how people can make things that aren't shoes.... look so much like shoes!  Like for real?  I would totally wear some of these if they were real.  And I would probably avoid some of the others....  either way, the creativity put into some of these things amaze me.  Check out these "shoes"!

  These?  Look so real. But are made from..... chocolate!  They are like a girl's best friend!  You can find these and order them at a shop in Michigan named Gayle's Chocolates.  I think it is a pretty wonderful idea. You could design your own chocolate shoe!!!!

This single shoe?  It is made of crystal glass.  And it is sold with that bottle of Piper-Heidsieck Champagne.  It is made to resemble a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes.  The stem is supposed to resemble the stem of a Champagne flute.  Pretty fancy and purdy if you ask me.

These look stinkin' sweet!  They are made of paper.  Oragami shoes?  Who comes up with these things.

This shoe is completely edible.  In fact, that shoe box?  It's a cake.  For that reason?  I love watching shows like Amazing Wedding Cakes  and Cake Boss because I am normally a cake hater.  They make me want to be all creative and make my own. That look that good.

Need a new pair of slippers?  Just go buy a couple loaves of bread and cut them to your size!  Ha!

These are made from Gabriel Dishaw.  As an art piece.  But they are made out of "junk" mostly computer chips.  I would say this is creativity at it's best!  These are the Blazer Pentium 1.0 shoes.... appropriate name, no?

These look somewhat torturous to me.  And scary.  But made entirely of metal... once again, kudos for creativity.

I am trying to decide why these shoes were even created.  But they probably didn't cost much money.... and probably aren't confortable. at all.  They barely look like shoes.  But hey, I can't dis a Styrofoam creation either.

Have some extra plastic bags laying around?  Go green and make some sandals! You could even customize them to fit you perfectly!

Speaking of going green.... You could always ask Krispy Kreme of all places to get you some of their grass-made flip flops.  All I know is my allergies would go nuts!

If I could find a way to make them last, I would totally use these shoes made up entirely of plants to decorate my house.  Some of them are sooooo pretty!  More of these beautiful creations can be seen here: Pretty Plant Shoes and I really think you should check them out!

That concludes what I have found today on whacky shoes.  If you have anymore awesome creations that I should see, I would love it if you would share them!  I get a kick out of shoes made of anything other than the usual.  Makes me wonder where some of these people get their creativity. 

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