I love Facebook. I really do. I mean, for the most part. It really is a great way to stay in touch with people who you went to high school with or friends that live far away. I really love seeing pictures regularly of my favorite people that I can't see every day because you live in another state! It makes my day! But sometimes.... I really think I would be okay if I deleted a lot of my friends. I mean, more than I already have. Just yesterday, I did some "Facebook Spring cleaning" and deleted over 50 people that I just don't talk to, or have any connection to anymore really. That.... is pretty sad. Especially since I am willing to bet that I still have another 100 friends that I could really just delete and not notice. It might happen this week.
This was also posted last week in the Daily Offensive last week. But my dad posted this video on his Twitter and Facebook that is entirely too true.
And seriously? I had a conversation with a friend the other day that was exactly like this:
Me: Did you know [insert names here] broke up this week?
Friend: Oh dang! No... is it even Facebook official?!?!
Really. That did happen. And it is so sad, and so true that relationship status depends on Facebook. And the whole reason so-and-so didn't post it on Facebook yet? Is just because she didn't want the whole world knowing about it. Who would have thought that people actually want some privacy?!?!
Also? It really irritates me when people make it so obvious that they don't know how to communicate, if it isn't on Facebook. The video itself is gives some great examples of that. But I myself have experienced some pretty ridiculous communication through Facebook statuses and messages. A status talking about someone without [inserting their name] is really quite immature. Actually, posting a status talking about someone at all, in any way other than a positive one? Goes beyond disrespect and really just makes you look bad. Why is it okay for you to be rude on Facebook when you would never be so rude in person? Encrypting a status is just dumb. There are some things that need to stay OFF the internet. I am also a hater of Facebook messages when it should really be dealt with another way. I mean, if you can't even talk to the person face to face or at least over the phone, you might have some communication problems that you should deal with yourself. It really isn't the way to resolve anything.
Stalking is not cool. But at the same time... if you put something on Facebook, expect the whole world to be able to see it. Even if you have a private profile, people talk. People hack the system. People will find a way to look at your things if you let them. So don't post your entire life on your profile, if you don't want people to know. It's common sense.
Another one of those funny things about Facebook..... random people adding you. I mean, if you live in another state I have never been to and we have no friends in common and there is no way we would ever meet in person.... EVER. I probably won't be your friend in the virtual world either. Sorry! And similar to the video, where it talks about the one person Facebook suggests to be your friend that you just don't know.... I probably won't add you just because we have 59 friends in common. Just because we know the same people, doesn't mean I want you to stalk my profile. If we meet in person? I will be happy to be your Facebook friend though!
I think my Spring Cleaning of my friends was necessary. Not only did I clean up my home page a bit, but it also made me realize that sometimes things just belong in the past. After being obviously "watched" by people that I no longer talk to, it really irritated me. And completely inspired this blog and the clean out.
Thanks for listening to my vent against the biggest social network out there! I promise my shoe blog tomorrow will be a bit more positive and exciting. I just needed to throw my pet peeves out there, and maybe voice what others might think too. What is your "beef" with the FB world?
WIS, WWA | Did I eat pancakes??
1 day ago
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