Monday, February 8, 2010

Uniquely Awesome

So today, I am just clicking randomly through different links, looking at blogs I hadn't seen before, which lead me to more links.... And then I found this photographer.  I wish she had her own website, but she doesn't.  Instead, there are just bunches and bunches of google images.  And I must say... Someday, I want a print of this picture, big and pretty somewhere in a house that will let me :)


 The genius who took it?  Her name is Marilyn Minter.  And she takes some pretty unique pictures, but I love some of them!  Like these:

I think she does enough awesome shoe photos that if I ever have a closet just for my shoes (which will also contain one of those sweet chandeliers with glass heels hanging from them, like in DSW...) I would so take some of her pictures to decorate it with.  Thought her work was worth sharing, I love the closeness and the colors of all of them!



  1. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Let me help you with your Google skillz: < has an entire gallery of prints that she's made for SALE. < is another gallery.

    Fun fact: She IS a photographer...and bases most of them on Hardcore Pornography. Hahahahha...naughty girl, dingy.

  2. hahahahaha well I still want some of her shoe pictures. There is nothing pornographic about shoes. THANKS ;)
