Monday, January 25, 2010

Stock Show, Fried Things, and thoughts on Monday

I gotta say, I am so excited Stock Show is OVER!  I have spent the last 3 weekends, of very long days down there.  And I don't know how my workin' man did it every single day for almost 4 weeks straight.  But, I will admit, that this last weekend, was pretty cool.  I got to see stuff like these pretty horses....

 This team of Mules.  Notice: There are 6 of them (the picture got cut off) and they are hooked to a trailer carrying nothing other than an F450 truck.  It was pretty impressive.  If only you could see it in person!

I also got to see mini mules, which I decided were the cutest things EVER.  I wish I had a picture.
All other weekends down there included a lot of cows.  Of all kinds.  I learned a lot.  And one of the most important things?  I never want to show cattle.  Putting that much work and money into showing?  I give you all credit if you do it, because I never could!
Stock Show is also a fantastic place for people watching.

And all this Stock Show talk brings me to not a Nutritional fact of the day, but just a thought of the day.
If obesity is an epidemic.... why does carnival food exist and succeed still?  Going to dinner the other night, I wanted to skip a real dinner SO bad and eat fried cheesecake for dinner.  It just sounded amazing.  But I resisted, and ate a yummy prime rib sandwich with bell peppers instead (It was a somewhat healthy choice?)!  But fried cheesecake brought up the fact that earlier that week, my man had eaten a fried snickers bar.  And we passed places that sold fried twinkies and fried oreos.  And then there was the place that sold the 1lb, $11 hamburger....  And people spend a fortune on all this fried and greasy food!  Why?!?!  And why do we take such unhealthy foods, and fry them and make them even worse for us?

And now, on a lighter note.... Just so everyone knows.... Mondays are my least favorite.  I wish I could skip them every week.  I have been able to for the last two weeks, which made this Monday a rough one.  But, I think the brightest part of my day was stopping at my mammas house bright and early on my journey back home from my weekend and she had some yummy breakfast prepared when I got there!  Gotta say though, this song pretty much sums up my feelings for Monday.   I'm sure many of you can agree! :)


  1. Yeah I agree...carnival food = BAD! (But I still have a funnel cake everytime they are in town...can't resist!)

  2. I love the "Monday Sucks" video! I will share it with everyone at the office every Monday. lol
